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Dormant elderberry plant cuttings
  • Elderberry Cuttings - bundle of 4

    Elderberries (Sambucus canadensis) are native shrubs in North America with large, white flower clusters that produce bunches of small, dark berries. They are valuable plants that provide habitat, food, medicine, nutrients and shelter for birds, bees and others. Their numerous flowers offer a reliable nectar source for a wide range of pollinators and beneficial insects. Elderberry plantings can also create visual barriers, absorb nutrients, and handle periodic flooding and high water tables that most other plants find challenging.


    The elderberry bush blooms in June and has very dependable fruit production. Elderberry prefers heavy soil that is high in organic matter, ample moisture, and flower/fruit production will be maximized in full sun. The plants can sustain short periods of flooding and do well in transition zones between wetlands and upland areas. They will reach a mature height of up to 10 ft in about three years.


    Elderberry fruit is known for its immune boosting qualities, anti-carcinogen and anti-oxidant properties, and Vitamin C content. Fruits are used for wine, juice, jelly, and syrup.


    Cuttings are taken from our four year old trees and will produce a crop in the second year. Each bundle includes four cuttings between 6-12 inches long, with 2-4 nodes. For local pickup only in late spring.


    Planting Instructions

    Cuttings can be directly planted outside once the soil is workable or potted and placed in a cool, dark location until they root out.


    Water new plants about one inch per week during the growing season and more during dry weather and fruit ripening.


    Planting Preparation and Spacing

    Select a site that receives full sun (partial shade is okay but may reduce fruit production). Remove perennial grasses or other vegetation that would compete with or shade out the new plants since elderberry does not compete well. Plant 4-5 feet apart and mulch liberally.

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